Lifestyle -

Get Creative With Sustainable Living

For awhile now the sustainable lifestyle trend has taken over and become the new age chic way of living.The concept of "less is more" seems to be more and more appealing ,cost effective, and original overall.For me the sustainable living journey has been a process and a great learning experience.Vintage clothing has always been my jam! However, taking it a step further with home goods when curating my creative spaces really opened my eyes to the sustainable lifestyle.Oddly enough finding use for things that i would typically have no use for like old china,over sized pitchers,random pieces of wood ,scrap fabrics , and other random things...became really gratifying and exciting.It pushed me to think outside of the box and really tap into my creative self before throwing anything away or acknowledging its potential! We took a lot of inspo from this concept for our current vintage vase collection! Take a look and read some tips below on how to get started on your sustainable living journey!

 Cognac glass? Flower vase? or Both!!.. (depending on the day lol)

Over sized pepper pitcher? Or Flower vase?...Or both!! Great for flowers and lemonade lol!! 

Tips To Get You Started

  • Think about your desired aesthetic for the space you are curating! Are you a minimalist , a color addict , a nature lover , boho hippie etc
  • Think about all the things you've been daydreaming about buying for your think about the things you already have laying around not being used or in your donation pile. For Example , small ugly dishes make great jewelry plates ,use the bowls you hate to eat out of as homes for your new terrarium!! 
  • Utilize Inspo platforms! Instagram ,Pintrest, and lifestyle bloggers
  • If you still cant find use for your old things , try not to throw them away! Instead , give them away to a friend , or list them for free online! Your trash is another homies treasure!!
